🧭**About the course**


🤸🏿Individual Assignments

🤼‍♀️Group Assignment

💯Grading and Requirements

🃏Briefings and Chair's Proposals

🧠Learn more


About the course Hello! It is a pleasure have you here! In our course we want to explore the development and application of resources used to describe drug action, resistance and diagnosis of mycobacterial pathogens. Our lab has invited people abroad, people from our own country or university to bring topics related to genetic, metabolic and immunologic approaches for scientific investigation of mycobacterial markers of infection and drug action/resistance. At the end of this course, we hope you could create your own experimental designs using the tools and previous works to your own lab experience. So, your participation is something essential for the best of this course. Enjoy it!


Dr. Rosilene Fressatti Cardoso

Dr. Jean Eduardo Meneguello


Laboratory of Medical Bacteriology

Post Graduate Program in Biosciences and Physiopathology

Post Graduate Program in Health Sciences

State University of Maringá

Learning objectives – at the end of this course students will gain:

  1. Understanding of fundamental concepts in microbial genetics.
  2. Insight into genetic methods used to investigate interesting biological problems.
  3. Insight into current, exciting topics in microbial genetics and related fields. 4)Experience in planning a scientific proposal according to requirements of a funding agency



Briefings and Chair's Proposals

Resistance, tolerance and Persistence agaisnt antimicrobial action

Mechanisms of genome and microbial evolution

Gene regulation

Genetics and strain variation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Genetic tools for gene editing

Mycobacterial biofilms, extracellular vesicles and quorum sensing

Systems Biology, data integration and network

💣 Application for funding Agencies

New drugs/New modes of action

🤸🏿Individual Assignments
